Fellow Detail

Photo of Will Furnass
Name Will Furnass
Affiliation University of Sheffield
Department Computer Science
Group Research Software Engineering
Research area code (I3) Software engineering
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2020

Research Software Engineering, workflow/code optimisation, teaching, systems administration/infrastructure, (formerly) water engineering

Short Biography

I have been a Research Software Engineer (RSE) since early 2017 and help run the RSE team at the University of Sheffield.
As a RSE I've worked on a variety of projects including: infrastructure for biomedical research projects, Python packaging, Python code optimisation and a JupyterHub service for a local HPC cluster. I'm an accredited Carpentries instructor and have also developed training material e.g. on multiprocessing and multithreading with Python.

The path to this point has not been particularly direct: I have a computer science degree, have worked as a IT systems engineer in the film industry, have a PhD plus post-doc experience in water engineering (where I developed semi-physical and data-driven models of water quality in water distribution networks) and used to provide support to the users of the University of Sheffield’s high-performance computing clusters. In addition I've taught or helped run RSE, water engineering and study skills workshops.

Previous events

Title Start date End date
Collaborations Workshop 2020 Tuesday, 31 March 2020 Thursday, 02 April 2020
Fellows Inaugural Meeting 2020 Tuesday, 11 February 2020 Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Blog Posts

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No event.