Fellow Detail

Photo of Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal
Name Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal
Affiliation RSE Asia Association
Research area code (G3) Statistics
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2023
Institutional Website https://rse-asia.github.io/RSE_Asia/
Website https://saranjeetkaur.github.io/About-Me/
ORCID 0000-0002-7038-1457
GitHub SaranjeetKaur
Twitter qwertyquesting
LinkedIn saranjeet-k-48ab769b

Statistics, Reproducible Research, Community Building, Community Management, Open Source and Open Science Advocacy

Short Biography

Saranjeet is a statistician and open source and open science advocate based in India. She works as a Community Manager at the Research Software Alliance, primarily focusing on the Asia region. She has a Masters degree in Statistics from University of Pune and is a Technical Writer of the R Development Guide. Throughout her career, she’s been involved with a number of software engineering communities and has been selected in open source programs like Google Summer of Code 2020, Digital Infrastructure Incubator 2021 by Code for Science and Society, and Google Season of Docs 2022. In 2021, she took part in the Open Life Science program (cohort-4), during which she co-founded the Research Software Engineering (RSE) Asia Association. For her work in the RSE community, she has been awarded the Research Software Engineering (RSE) Impact Award 2022, at the Inaugural Community Awards by the Society of Research Software Engineering.

Previous events

Title Start date End date
No event.

Blog Posts

Blog Publish date
Exploring the Software Dimension at FAB23 Monday, 27 May 2024
FAB23: A Journey to Bhutan's Fab Lab Conference Thursday, 14 March 2024
Exploring RSECon 2023: A Conference Recap Monday, 11 March 2024
Exploring the APAN56 Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka Thursday, 29 February 2024