Fellow Detail

Photo of Samuel Forbes
Name Samuel Forbes
Affiliation Durham University
Research area code (C8) Psychology
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2023
Institutional Website https://www.durham.ac.uk/staff/samuel-forbes/
Website http://samforbes.me/
ORCID 0000-0003-1022-4676
GitHub samhforbes
Twitter samhforbes
LinkedIn sam-forbes-341188124

Developmental Psychology, Child Development, Open Science, Inclusivity

Short Biography

I obtained my undergraduate degree in Japanese and Mandarin from the University of Tasmania in 2008, and my Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from Nanjing Normal University in 2013. I completed my DPhil in Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford in 2018, where I researched how infants learn colour words and what that means for their colour perception. My research focuses on the interplay between early cognition and word learning in infants, looking particularly at the links between cognition, environmental factors and early word learning.

I also carry out work in metascience and am an advocate of Open Scholarship, developing pipelines and software for researchers to use, and have a focus on inclusivity in research and in open science.

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