Fellow Detail

Photo of Richard Adams
Name Richard Adams
Affiliation Cranfield University
Department School of Management
Group Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship
Research area code (N2) Management studies
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2018
Institutional Website https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=3wS_EqQAAAAJ
Twitter @r_jadams
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-adams-1236213/

Research ionterests lie at the intersection of innovation, gigital and technological disruption and entrepreneurship, business models and sustainability

Short Biography

Dr Richard Adams is Reader in Entrepreneurship at the Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship, Cranfield University, and has previously held positions at Universities of Surrey and Exeter, Imperial College London as well as with the UK Cochrane Centre. My work, which lies at the intersection of (responsible) innovation, digital and technological disruption, sustainability and technology entrepreneurship, is practically focused and seeks to meet the twin hurdles of academic rigour and industrial relevance. I have published widely, in excess of 60 journal and conference papers and have, most recently, guest-edited a special issue of Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance on The Future of Money and Further Applications of the Blockchain.

As a 2018 Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute, I plan to explore ways in which researchers in the field of management and organisational studies can be encouraged to make better use of computational approaches in their research. In particular, I will be investigating computationally-supported approaches to content analysis in systematic review. I am delighted that Professor Richard Vidgen will be mentoring me through the Fellowship. During the course of the Fellowship, I will be running a workshop at Cranfield University on this topic, If you are interested in attending, please get in touch.

Previous events

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Lunchtime seminar series: The digital researcher Thursday, 22 November 2018 Tuesday, 30 April 2019

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