Fellow Detail

Photo of Becca Wilson
Name Becca Wilson
Affiliation University of Liverpool
Department Public Health, Policy and Systems
Research area code (B0) Broadly-based programmes within subjects allied to medicine
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2016
Institutional Website https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/population-health/staff/rebecca-wilson/
Website http://www.drbeccawilson.co.uk
ORCID 0000-0003-2294-593X
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=p2DIF8EAAAAJ&hl
GitHub beccawilson
Twitter drbeccawilson
LinkedIn drbeccawilson

I am a tenure track fellow at the University of Liverpool and PI of the DataSHIELD research project - an open source software for the federated analysis of health data with automated disclosure control. My fellowship focuses the continued development of open source tools and processes for the access, sharing and analysis of sensitve health datasets.

Short Biography

In 2013 I discipline-hopped after a 5-year career in planetary science to informatics in biomedical and social sciences developing web-tools and open source software for the analysis of longitudinal biobank/birth cohort data. Fast forward ten years and I am now a tenure track fellow at the University of Liverpool and PI of DataSHIELD (www.datashield.org) - an open source software for the federated analysis of health data with automated disclosure control. My research focuses on the continued development of open source tools and governance processes for the access, sharing and analysis of sensitve health datasets.

Since engaging in the SSI community the DataSHIELD project has transitioned into an open source community with a globally distributed team of researchers, SMEs and industry continuting to develop and expand the DataSHIELD analytic platform, privacy preserving methodologies and analytic capabilities.

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Blog Posts

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Everything is R-some: UseR 2016 Tuesday, 17 October 2017