Fellow Detail

Photo of Krishna Kumar
Name Krishna Kumar
Affiliation University of Cambridge
Research area code (F6) Geology
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2017
GitHub kks32
Short Biography

My research work involves developing numerical tools to understand natural disasters like landslides (submarine and aerial), tsunami and earthquakes. Traditionally, soil is considered as a continuum body and is analysed as a solid, although it is made up of individual grains which are a few microns to a millimetre in size which interact between each other and the surrounding fluid resulting in a liquid-like behaviour. My work involves developing tools both at the soil grain scale and the geo-scale to understand the micro-mechanical rheologies in order to describe the more complex macro-scale behaviour such as a tsunami generated due to an earthquake or a landslide. An underwater landslides comprises of 1000 cubic kilometres of soil grains, which is trillions of grains. Even to simulate a cubic meter of soil, we need to simulate behaviour of billions of grains and their interaction with the fluid. My research goal is developing scalable software at different scales (Finite Element Method, Lattice Element Method, Lattice Boltzmann Method and Discrete Element tools), which are generic and can be used in multitude of applications such as co2 sequestration, powder technology and geothermal energy modelling. The research tools I have been developing are open source and are available at https://github.com/cb-geo and https://github.com/kks32.

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Containers for HPC workshop at Cambridge University Friday, 07 July 2017