Short Biography |
I am the CT facility manager at the NHM managing 100+ projects annually. Whilst not directly engaged in a particular area of research, I am heavily involved in facilitation of research projects. All data is generated via a computed tomography system and analysed using various software packages. The main areas of science addressed at the NHM include; Palaeontology, mineralogy, zoology, entomology and botany. I am involved in 3D visualisation for morphological studies such as discovery of new fossils, and studying features related to evolution. The facility is also open to external researchers and we have projects such as, gold in mining cores and blood flow through rabbit vascular system, which all require computational support such as 3D visualisation or 3D quantitative analysis. We had over 300 researchers work with us in the facility last year alone. All researchers visiting the facility get trained on a series of software packages. I am highly motivated in promoting open-source software (Image J, Mango, Voreen, Drishti,), encouraging researchers to develop code and address their own needs. I am also trained in VG Studio Max and Avizo. My core job is to train researchers in tomography and all associated software packages enabling them to excel in interpretation of their data and develop computational skills. |