Fellow Detail

Photo of Dominik Krzemiński
Name Dominik Krzemiński
Affiliation University of Cambridge
Research area code (C3) Zoology
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2021
Website https://dokato.github.io
ORCID 0000-0003-4568-0583
GitHub dokato
Twitter dokatox
LinkedIn dkrzem

Decision making of humans, invertebrates and machines; how the brain’s function arises from its structure. In the past, among others, I worked on brain computer-interfaces, psychophysics, brain connectivity, natural language processing and neural networks.

Short Biography

Currently, I work at Arm, Ltd. Previosuly, I was a Research Associate at the Fly Connectomics research group at the University of Cambridge, where we develop software tools that facilitate visualisation, preprocessing and analysis of neurons from Drosophila melanogaster brain. Although I work as a neuroscientist now, my career path is far from obvious. I graduated from Applied Physics at the University of Warsaw, but I quickly picked up some interest in the brain research. My PhD at the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre focused on modelling perceptual decisions at various levels of hierarchy: from high-level cognitive models, to more biologically realistic spiking neural networks. I enjoy leading and contributing to various engagment activities. In 2019, I co-organised the biggest UK R conference: SatRday, Cardiff. During the Fellowship I was promoting good coding practices like testing, CI and code reviews.

Previous events

Title Start date End date
Code Review Workshop (for researchers) ( Blog post ) Sunday, 02 October 2022 Sunday, 02 October 2022

Blog Posts

Blog Publish date
Treat your research code with a code review Friday, 18 March 2022