Fellow Detail

Photo of David Wilby
Name David Wilby
Affiliation British Antarctic Survey
Research area code (Y0) Combined
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2022
Institutional Website https://www.bas.ac.uk/profile/dalby/
Website https://davidwilby.dev/
ORCID 0000-0002-6553-8739
GitHub https://github.com/davidwilby/
Twitter DrDavidWilby
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-wilby-33a15832/

best practice in research software

Short Biography

I'm a Research Software Engineer (RSE) with an interest in using and advocating for best practice in code written for research.

During a PhD and postdoctoral roles in physics and sensory biology research using a wide range of computational techniques, I gained experience of a wide range of computational skills and programming languages including Python, MATLAB, R and high-performance computing.

As an RSE since 2019 I've been working on a number of research projects including natural language processing, web apps, APIs and desktop apps as well as teaching and assisting on courses on git, python, HPC and others.

With my SSI fellowship, I have a particular interest in researching and encouraging methods of best practice in MATLAB, with the goals of meeting the needs of the user community in producing sustainable research software.

Previous events

Title Start date End date
Matlab users survey Sunday, 22 May 2022 Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Blog Posts

Blog Publish date
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m39TNQL5taMt07hdhquWzmYwGfTWwyjwBmz20QgbI6M/edit?usp=sharing Monday, 11 July 2022