Fellow Detail

Photo of Chris Jochem
Name Chris Jochem
Affiliation WorldPop, University of Southampton
Research area code (L7) Human & social geography
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2021
Institutional Website https://www.southampton.ac.uk/geography/about/staff/wcj1n15.page
Website https://www.wcjochem.com/
ORCID 0000-0003-2192-5988
GitHub https://github.com/wcjochem
Twitter ChrisJochem

My research interests include developing and applying spatial statistical methods to better understand the distribution, dynamics, and health of human populations around the world.

Short Biography

I am a senior research fellow in the School of Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton working with the WorldPop Research Group. I have a background in Geography. My current research relates to spatial demography and estimating populations in the absence of a complete census. I do this by using a combination of georeferenced household surveys and satellite remote sensing data. As part of my work I develop several R packages. I also teach courses on programming in R and Python for spatial analysis.

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