Fellow Detail

Photo of Boris Adryan
Name Boris Adryan
Affiliation University of Cambridge
Research area code (C4) Genetics
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2015
Short Biography

Experiments in molecular biology yield vast amounts of information these days, often involving abstract concepts and datatypes that are not immediately computationally comparable. These may be DNA sequences (character strings), markers for active genes in an organism (microscopic images) as well as large-scale numerical data from a plethora of different biochemical methods. My research group is interested in leveraging these diverse data through domain-specific knowledge, integrating them into coherent models using ontologies or other types of formalisation where possible. We are also trying to develop and apply machine learning methods to unravel the secrets of the genome.

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the concept of connecting everyday devices to the internet. Most IoT products these days are just mere gimmicks, with a smart phone replacing an on-device screen. However, with an expected 50 million connected devices by 2020, all producing different types of information, we are facing the same data deluge as modern biology. We are already collaborating with people in the IoT field to bring successful strategies from computational biology into their domain.

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EclipseCon France 2015 Friday, 06 October 2017