Fellow Detail

Photo of Andrea Sánchez Tapia
Name Andrea Sánchez Tapia
Affiliation Global Fishing Watch
Research area code (C1) Biology
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2023
Website https://andreasancheztapia.netlify.app/
ORCID 0000-0002-3521-4338
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=JI_EVu8AAAAJ
GitHub AndreaSanchezTapia
GitLab AndreaSanchezTapia

Ecology, Biodiversity Informatics, Open Science, Reproducibility, Accessibility, Community Building, Multilingual Science.

Short Biography

I am a Colombian biologist (she/her) with a background in Plant Ecology, Restoration Ecology, and Biodiversity Informatics. I have a deep interest in Open and Responsible Science. I use R since 2009 and develop scientific workflows related to ecological niche modeling and biodiversity informatics. I am part of RLadies, a CODATA-RDA alumna, and a Certified Carpentries Instructor. I also teach research computational skills, open science principles, and scientific programming. I am a core member of The Turing Way, as co-lead of the translation and localisation team.

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