Fellow Detail

Photo of Aman Goel
Name Aman Goel
Affiliation University of Manchester
Department Research IT
Group RSE Department
Research area code (I3) Software engineering
Fellowship Inauguration Year 2023
ORCID 0000-0003-3567-2096
GitHub amangoel185
Twitter mightaswellcode
LinkedIn amangoel185

Research Software Engineering Open Science Community Building

Short Biography

I am a Research Software Engineer at the University of Manchester, with a background in computer science and mathematics. After receiving my undergraduate degree from the University of Delhi in 2022, I joined the University of Manchester RSE team in 2023. Prior to this, I was a part of the Princeton Research Computing group at the IRIS-HEP Software Institute, where I worked on research software in particle physics.

I am an Open Life Science project leader and a Carpentries instructor. I am passionate about open science and regularly deliver training workshops. My research interests include software sustainability, open-source software and community building.

I worked on the project ‘The Undergraduate's Guide To Research Software Engineering’ (TUG-RSE) as a part of Open Life Science's 6th Cohort. As an extension to the same, I am developing the project to provide an open-source, dynamic, and accessible collection of resources on Research Software Engineering to undergraduates and newcomers.

During my fellowship, I am developing TUG-RSE further as well as fostering a new Research Software Community at the University of Manchester. I hope to leverage the SSI community to better understand the RSE landscape across different organisations to build better communities.

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